Thursday, December 27, 2012


Last night, I made my body smoothie courtesy of Hey Fran Hey!! Last night when I made it, it was a little "soupy" but still loved it!! This AM, when I woke up, it had solidified and I love it all the more!!


 Check it out!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I hope everyone had an awesome Xmas!! And we are all rested~I'm back to my J-O-B!! But that's okay, it's paying the mortgage!!!
So I'm ready for the new year, and sewing a new project each month and updating on it! I have already selected the pattern and material!! YEAH!! Pics and info soon!

But I am also sooo excited about the 2nd Annual, Meet, Shop and Learn with Mimi G Style!! This will happen in July and I am Ready to Go!!

Who's with Me!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

So I finally finished my TWO sewing projects!! I am so excited!! I love sewing-and I have found it again. I took a class at the Stitch House in Dorchester, and it really helped alot!!  So if you follow me on FB, I have given myself a challenge for 2013!! I will be sewing a new project every month!!  I am starting with one, because I want to make sure I get the time to do it!! So stay tuned!!

The dress is a McALLs  M6553 and the Coat is Vogue V1320!! (slightly modified)!

lOvE t

Friday, December 7, 2012

Okay I just purchased all of my ingredients for the Hey Fran Hey Lip Balm tutorial from!!! You gotta' love Amazon!! So the tutorial is attached-as soon as the items arrive I will be making this!! I can't wait!!  LoVe t

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Happy Holidays Ladies!! and Gents!!

Perfect Nails and Lips!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Okay~so I am now on this "sewing thang", that I am really excited about. I know how to sew a little-but I haven't sewn in so long-I definitely need a refresher. So I have been following Mimi G. Style, and I am ready to start my first project.
 I took out my machine last night-that I purchased over two years ago, and never used it-~ I know, I know! Went to the fabric store, picked up a nice print and some notions, and I am READY!! So I will let you know my progress. This is the link for Mimi's tutorial page, and a pic of my 1st project!

Wish me Luck!

Monday, October 22, 2012

So a lot of you ask me, “How do I get my pores to shrink?” Well unfortunately, you cannot shrink pores! I know, I know, you’ve been told so many times that “with this new treatment, your pores will disappear”. Now in some ways this is true, but what the key is here, is making sure you face is properly cleansed. Your pore size is your pore size-you can’t change that. But what you can change is the look and appearance of your pores. Pores tend to look larger when they are clogged, and filled with makeup and dirt etc. etc., so they look larger. So you have to make sure, you are using a good cleanser, toner and moisturizer every day and night, and exfoliating 2-3 times per week. This will make the pores look smaller, as they will not be “bursting at the seams” with dirt, oil etc.! So go out and get you a magnifying mirror, and take a good look at your skin, then give it a good cleanse and exfoliation! Now look again, “whadda see?” Nice clean skin and the look of reduced pores!!

LovE  t

Friday, October 19, 2012

Here is my "Mug Shot" from my UP~DO yesterday!! This was not intentional~ I was just trying to get my hair off of my NECK!!

Good Morning Sweet Peace! I have a super busy Friday night and Saturday!! My Mom's 70th B-Day Party is tonight!! Woot woot!! And my son has two soceer games tomorrow, and I have some clients!! Looking forward to Sunday, when I can stay home and do laundry! : ) What do you all have planned for this weekend?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ask and you Shall receive!! I found this at Food Heaven Made Easy with Wendy & Jess!!


Good Morning Sweet Peace! I have to admit, that sometimes I wake up like this in the morning, because I have not removed my makeup from the night before! (sorry Courtney ♥ ). So one of the things I like to keep on hand is some makeup remover wipes, so I can at least get the makeup off my face, Oil of Olay has a nice set. Then I must get some eye makeup remover (a must if you have on two layers of mascara-which I always do~more about that later). Mary Kay sells a good makeup remover, and I just found a homemade version, which I plan to try!

Monday, October 15, 2012

BOY oH bOY!! What a weekend!! I know I said I would announce the "SPA BASKET" giveaway on Friday~but I got so busy!! So
**DrUmrOLL please*** the winner of the Tiffany's Transformations Very First giveway is @Nicole Blackington!!!
**Applause Applause**!! Congratulations Nicole. Please inbox me your address~and it will be on it's way!! Thank you to everyone for enjoying Tiffany's Transformations!!
lOvE t

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

TOTD: I borrowed this tip from Hey Fran Hey (HFH) and

 Kale~good for you and easy to prepare!

 Love T

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month!! And over at Transformations we will be donating 25% of the months proceeds to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation Where 91 cents of every $1.00 goes to their programs! So let's try and make a sizable donation! When's your appt.?


 LoVe t
Good "hUMPdAY" Sweet Peace"! So I am having a pretty stressful week, as I'm sure all of us have at one time or another~it's what lets us know that we are alive right?! So how do we relieve it~how do I? A nice glass of red wine usually does...
the trick, but I can't get to it readily at work~ So I like to remove myself from everything, I go home and take my dog for a walk! That's time solely for him, and it gets me away from actually doing anything (except picking up "poopies")! So QOTD-How do you relieve your stress?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Good Morning Sweet peace!! Tip for the day-simple nail design!
1. Paint your nails with the colors you want to show through-
2. apply tape, 3. paint on top color! Wella! Nail design!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Here is a GREAT breakfast idea from "Peanut Butter and Peppers!" Try it-I will, it looks so Yummy!!

September 18, 2012

Okay Tuesday-give me your best shot!!
Good morning Sweet Peace! For your "Tip of the Day" make sure you are cleansing your face twice a day! AM and PM~I think in the AM it's more obvious, as we need to remove all the "gunk" in our eyes, nose etc! And you really don't want to walk out of the house with out washing your face! Yuck! But when you come home from work or play at night-think about everything that may have hit your face during the day. Pollution, cigarette smoke, leftover makeup, kisses from friends you may have seen! You need to remove all of it! I use my Clarisonic  at night with cleanser, because I know I am getting a deep down clean. So just as you brush your teeth at night-be kind to your skin and pamper it!

LoVe T

Monday, September 17, 2012


 I hope everyone had a GREAT weekend!!
Tip of the Day: Cuticle oil. The skin around your nail bed- "cuticles" can get very dry, and it can also cut the life of your fresh manicure in 1/2. Try using a cuticle oil, every night before bed. Just take your finger and rub directly on the cuticle-no need to wash off. If you've got super dry cuticles, try sleeping with some white cotton gloves-for intense moisture! I like using Coconut oil, I love the way it smells, and has so many other uses! But you can use any cuticle cream you like, check your local drugstore!! But be consistent!

LoVe T

Check out Tiffany's Transformations on FB !

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

 So last week I had "Marshmallow" Tootsies from Essie!

This week I have a combination of China Glaze and something I found at Walgreens ; )!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

To Celebrate Today~Cinco De Mayo and the Kentucky Derby. I had a few friends over and gave my self a new PiN-Up! You like!?

Also one of my new shirts from  The Natural hair show~ Says "God Made Me Super Natural!"
Love It!

Friday, May 4, 2012

2012 World Natural Hair, Health & Beauty Show
Okay ~so my first trip to a Hair Show was Phenomenal!! I attended the Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Show in Atlanta with my besties!! Let me just say that it was FANTASTIC! It is so inspiring and enriching to see so many beautiful Black women, with their own Natural hair, just hanging out and enjoying each other.

So we arrived Friday afternoon, went to dinner and drinks, and prepared ourselves for what we knew would be an overwhelming day. We arrived at the convention (within walking distance from the hotel) and saw these huge lines for “checking in”. I am so glad that we purchased our tickets on line, as the line to buy that day was CRAZY!!

Do you remember the scene in Trading Places when Eddie Murphy and Dan Akryod, enter onto the trading floor, and there was so much activity? This was just like that, once we walked through the doors! There were so many people, so many booths and cameras and action! People doing hair, fashion shows, teeth whitening (wouldn’t recommend), people selling jewelry, hair products, bath and body products, clothes, free samples, extremely discounted products~ Just unbelievable!

We purchased tickets to go into the workshops, but never made it. We spent all of our time on the trade show floor. We took a break for lunch and then went back. Some of your old favorites were there~ Shea Moisture , Jane Carter , Dr. Miracles . And some new faces Feng Shui Organics,  Lodie Locks   , Urbanbella . It is really something you need to experience. If you are “Transitioning” this is where you need to be. I found some serious jewelry from Anu, and amazing “Kick Butt “  fashions from .

One of my favorite spots was Camille Rose Naturals! (I went back 3 times)! I purchased 3 of her Lemon Meringue Body Butters~WHAT?! That’s what I said Lemon Meringue Body Butter. I have not stopped putting it on since I brought it on Saturday (It’s now Friday!) I love this stuff, I can’t stop smelling myself!

So in conclusion (for now anyway)-I had never gone to a hair show before, all that HYPE was not for me! But I have to say that it was pure pleasure to see all these Natural Sisters in one place and just enjoying each other. You truly missed something great if you didn’t attend. BUT WAIT, there is an upcoming one in October 2012. That’s right on October 6th and 7th you can head out to Atlanta to let your Natural  Self shine!!

*reviews to come*
LoVe T